Empowering Children Foundation

Support us

Support regularly

Regular payments increase our effectiveness enormously! Donors who support us on a regular basis ensure continued support for children who experience various forms of violence and abuse. All you need to do is indicate an amount you want to support us with, and it will be automatically charged on your account every month to help children.

Launch a fundraising action

Birthday, name day, wedding? Kindly gestures are worth their weight in gold. Let us give them away with generosity, an open heart and courage. Every opportunity is good to start a fundraising action for our clients. Your action is a real help for children who have been victims of crime.

Get your company involved

Donation? CRM? Employee volunteering? The more people, institutions and organizations fight the problem of child abuse, the greater the awareness of the problem and the chance to protect the youngest.

How did we use our funds in 2023? 

  • 68,866  calls from children 
    and young people answered

  • 5,047 psychological consultations
    and individual therapeutic sessions
    with children

  • 5,671 psychological consultations
    and individual therapeutic sessions
    for caregivers 

More details