Empowering Children Foundation

What we do?

We help abused children

Children victims of crimes, mainly victims of various forms of violence and sexual abuse, and their caregivers receive interdisciplinary help under one roof. The facilities follow common standards, and their basic value is the best interest of the child. They offer a place for a friendly interview of children participating in criminal procedures, as well as psychological, psychiatric, legal and medical assistance. The interdisciplinary team of the facility works in cooperation with local services.

We provide phone support services

We provide free phone assistance to children and young people in need of support, care and protection, as well as to parents and teachers who need support and information on preventing and helping children experiencing problems and difficulties.

We support parents of young children 

We deal with the protection of young children (up to 6 years old) from harm by supporting and educating parents, as well as promoting good parenting. We know that violence against children often occurs because of parents' helplessness and confusion, their frustration and lack of parental competence. We offer parents free psychological and psychiatric consultations as well as workshops and educational meetings. Knowing that being a parent is one of the most difficult roles in life, we want to support, but also to provide with knowledge and strength!

We care about the safety of children online

We deal with broadly understood issues of the safety of children and young people online, including problems related to violence with the use of electronic media and the Internet, harmful online content, sexting, grooming, dangerous contacts and abused use of Internet.

We carry out research on the problem of violence in Poland

The research aspect and studies diagnosing various aspects of child abuse are an important element of our activity. The Foundation's Research Department provides us with answers to important questions - what is the socially acceptable physical punishment of children, how often parents use violence, what is the scale of experiencing violence and sexual abuse by children in Poland, what are the consequences of such experiences in childhood on mental health, and what are the children’s risky behaviours on the internet and many more issues.

Child-friendly Justice System

We care about children's matters by actively engaging in the process of enacting Polish law. Our goal is to provide the youngest with protection in selected areas of legislation. We carry out advocacy activities by preparing speeches addressed to decision-makers, giving opinions on new and amended legal acts, participating in the work of selected parliamentary committees, diagnosing areas requiring the creation or amendment of law, and increasing politicians' awareness of the issues related to the legal protection of children.

We introduce Child Protection Standards

Child Protection Standards is a program of prevention and counteracting child abuse by adults (parents, employees of the facility) and peers. The program is addressed to nurseries, kindergartens, schools, institutions, non-governmental organizations and other institutions working for children. It is the first program in Poland that promotes safe organizations and responds to the needs of professionals and parents of children in the implementation of standards of an organization that is safe for children.

We educate professionals working with children

We conduct educational activities for professionals working with children: teachers, caregivers, educators, social workers, doctors, nurses, policemen, lawyers, etc., who can identify the problem and intervene. We organize trainings, seminars, conferences, and webinars that concern various forms of the problem of child abuse, including domestic and peer violence, sexual abuse, neglect, online threats. We provide knowledge and skills in various areas: diagnosis, intervention, therapeutic help, preventive measures. We provide both short awareness training and in-depth vocational skills courses. We prepare publications that can reach a wide range of professionals - guides, brochures, leaflets. We create and provide e-learning trainings.



Trainings and educational materials for professionals working with children

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We publish the „Abused Child” quarterly

The “Abused Child. Theory, Research, Practice” is a free magazine addressed to professionals helping children, academics, students and journalists. We publish scientific articles presenting the results of research, theoretical concepts, and models of practical activities in the field of preventing child abuse. The “Abused Child. Theory, Research, Practice” quarterly is included in the Ministry of Education and Science's list of ranked scientific (scholarly) journals.

We create social campaigns

Through social campaigns on various aspects of child abuse, we increase society's awareness regarding threats as well as its sensitivity to the problem and the ability to adequately respond to violence. We strive to ensure that adults know that they are morally responsible for the youngest and can effectively allow performance the children’s rights.

How can you support us?

Thanks to your donation we can help another child

It allows us to answer a call on 116 111 - a helpline for children and young people

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It makes it possible for the psychologist and the lawyer to prepare a child for the interview

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It allows us to initiate a therapy treatment of a child who has experienced violance

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